Church Health Metrics on PAIR

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It's about churches

For more than two millennium, churches have been a significant part of the human and divine experience. It's in worship that most of mankind experiences the wonders and majesty of the divine and although it doen't have to happen in a church, it usually does.

It's about health

We all know how important it is for us as individuals to physically, mentally, emotionally & spiritually healthy. But what about our churches? Are they healthy? How do we know for sure? What are the benchmarks of a healthy church?

It's about metrics

Okay, So it's not all about metrics. But it's alot about metrics. Metrics are simply guides we can use to figure out where we are, where we want to go and how to get there. We know that metrics are not the point of the story, but they are a part of the story and they help tell the story. That's why we like metrics. You can view the metrics we a using in our study here

Which metrics does your church track? Take our SURVEY and let us know. When you complete the survey you will see how many other churches track the same metrics.

About Us

We are a team of Researchers, Coaches, Consultants, Developers and Church Partners who are passionate about churches. More specicifly healthy churches. We beleive that healthy churches are a vital part of a civil society and that a healthy church is better equipped to accomplish it's mission and vision than an unhealthy church. We agree with Harvard professor Clay Christensen who said "If you take away religion, you cant hire enough police"

How it works

It's actually quite simple. Church partners decide what metrics matter to them and they create a set of Health Records. Creating health records will "unlock" information from the database that the church can use to evaluate it's health.